This is going to be my first post in my blog, so I decided it's a good idea to present myself to the world.
As regards the basics: I am Lilly, from Bulgaria, 23 y/o, senior at the American University in Bulgaria, majoring in Political Science and International Relations, as well as Journalism and Mass Communication. Currently I reside in Blagoevgrad.
I guess that does not make me quite different and exceptional, and it would definitely not make you read my blog. Actually I am not trying to say there is a reason to read it at all, I set this blog just to put some random thoughts, pieces of writing, and academic papers (maybe), so that I can try to organize what's in my head, and also on my HDD in some way.
My plan is basically to refelct some current events, post some opinion, and also share with you some of my findings during my constant surfing the net. I also like to talk about music and books a lot, so expect me also to write about that- as an admirer, not as a professional of course.
Will be looking forward to receiving some feedback- I will try to make the major postings in English, but I assume I will write also in Bulgarian from time to time. Need any help with translation? Just ask, and I will be happy to help- in anything!
Blogosphere, here I go!
Stay tuned for my first postings!
p.s. This blog is a tribute to my professor Bobby Phillips, who was the first to reveal for me the power of blogging! Thanks!
РъДъ and beyond
9 years ago
bravo be momiche - vse oshe imalo mladi talantlivi , ambiciozni xora. ot tebe she izleze mnogo dobra jurnalistka
blagodaria za komentara, mravka :) shte se radvam da poluchavam komentari i kritika- vsyshnost tova e prichinata da napravia tozi blog vyobshte. nadyavam se da te sreshtam tuk ot vreme na vreme;)
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